dinsdag 10 maart 2009

Motorized! Indonesia connection

Wira and Rizky send me some pictures after they received their package from Belgium.
Thanx bigtime for the support dudes. Hope to come and visit some day.
Check out what these guys are up to at the other end of the world...


seems like there's a pretty good thing going on overthere....Ride hard guys!
Thanx for the shirt to!

Also thanx to John for the Wira shot and delivery service

4 opmerkingen:

rizky mandra zei

Motorized! mags rules..!! cant wait for the 1st issue.. by the way, the man on the pic is the marvelous Rev.Deckster, a fellow contributor at greaserstempel.blogspot.com... big support from Indonesia.. Santey Bor..!!

John zei

Sorry for the confusion Sven. Indeed the boldy in the pic is Deckster. Wira is much better looking.

Veroland zei

I agree with John! Hahaha!

revdeckster zei

ha ha ha..........thats me ! yeah